Smartsheet Backup and Restore

Automated, cloud-based Smartsheet backup and restoration for reliable data protection

Smartsheet Backup and Restore
  • Complete protection

  • Fully automated

  • One-click restore

Best Practices for Smartsheet Backup

Discover the automated method for backing up and restoring Smartsheet data


Smartsheet Backup Challenges

When managing numerous projects, PMO directors and PPM administrators may encounter specific challenges to:

  • Protection

    How can the risk of human errors be minimized?

  • Automation

    Can the backup process be automated?

  • Security

    What are the steps to recover damaged data?

  • Integrity

    What measures can be taken to prevent data loss?

How to Generate Smartsheet Backups

Discover the functionality of FluentPro Backup for Smartsheet, ensuring the protection and restoration of your project data.

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Why backup Smartsheet?

Why backup Smartsheet?

FluentPro Backup reduces all risks associated with human errors or data loss in Smartsheet projects. The FluentPro Backup software provides automatic backup and restore for Smartsheet.

This cloud-based solution generates backup copies when operating on-demand or following a specific schedule. In case of data loss, you can quickly revert to a particular backup version.  

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Mitigate Risks through Smartsheet Backup and Restore

Eliminates costs and emergencies resulting from potential data damages.

Ensures reliable security for all Smartsheet project data.

Provides automatic back up for all or selected Smartsheet data.

FluentPro Backup minimizes the risks of data loss and other damages associated with human errors.

Automated restore of lost or damaged data.

Requires minimal support and maintenance through comprehensive automation.

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We would like to thank you for the professional service. The process was very clear and smooth. It was a pleasure working with you!

David Avraham IS Engineer


G.A. Suite saves us a lot of manual work. Just entering information once on the productive site and then transferring saves costs, time and nerves. Plus, it produces less errors.

Wolfgang Braun Manager Corporate PMO


Our productivity is greatly improved…Without FluentBooks, some of the operations I perform would not be possible otherwise, so the tool is a lifesaver.

Steve Miljanov Senior PMO Administrator


Based on consulting costs from a previous migration effort, we estimate that we saved over $80K by using FluentPro’s services.

Dan Cullerton Sr. Program Manager


As the system is very user-friendly, I have independency in file recovery – without the need to relay to an IT team and more complex backups

Idan Bar-Asher Project Manager


FluentPro DataMart is good value for money. FluentPro are very customer-centric and deliver products that accelerate project effectiveness.

Transport for London


Having these tools has led to keeping the administration level down and reducing the need for additional PMs.

Daniel Taddeo Senior Manager


The biggest time savings for us is the FluentBooks Bulks Resource update tool. That feature alone is worth the cost of the license!

Brian Nann Senior Manager


I really appreciate you all being on top of a problem I had setting up my backup… FluentPro really came through for us. This kind of communication is HUGE and appreciated.

Paul James Solution Architect

  • 99%


    Data is encrypted and remains under your control

  • 97%


    Data in Smartsheet project management system

  • 93%


    Backup and Restore solution

  • 91%


    Risks of human errors and data loss

How to Perform Smartsheet Backup
  • How to Perform Smartsheet Backup
    • Select either all or specific data for protection
    • Configure automated and continuous backup scheduling
    • Secure boards, tasks, teams, users, and workspaces
    • Restore the project to a specific point-in-time version
    Sign up

Ready to backup Smartsheet software?

  • 1
    Sign up for trial
  • 2
    Create a backup schedule
  • 3
    Protect your project data
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FluentPro Software FluentPro Software can help organizations simplify and automate migration, implementation, configuration management, data protection, and integration of PPM solutions.
1275 12th Ave NW USA Issaquah Washington 98027